IVs & Boosters

Intravenous (IV) Therapy is the most efficient and effective way to deliver fluids, vitamins, and nutrients to your body. When you take vitamins by mouth, your body is only capable of absorbing about 20% of the nutrients. With IV therapy, your body is able to absorb 100%. Additionally, by bypassing the GI tract, IV therapy allows for the administration of higher doses of vitamins, minerals, and fluids while avoiding any stomach upset. As a result, IV therapy allows for the maximum infusion of essential nutrients that your body needs to function at its peak. At IVs in the Keys, all vitamins, minerals and antioxidants we use are USP verified. This means they have the highest certification possible that they are not only the exact nutrient you would consume through whole foods, but they are also the purest form available. All of our IV therapies start with a liter of Lactated Ringers. This alone is equivalent to drinking 2 gallons of water and helps replace electrolytes.